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Showing posts from November, 2011

little joys

today i am home early. dropped by the mall and grabbed a new pair of flats 50% off the price. i finally purchased sm advantage card.bought a new concealer and an eyelash curler...then dropped by the grocery to buy ingredients for salsa and of course tortilla chips :D yey i am successful in my first attempt to make salsa :D the wonder of retail therapy :D happiness :)btw thanks our intern who taught us how to make one


the sched is finally in favor of me. half day last friday, no work for sat, home early last sunday, sent home early today, was able to see ike and watch the breaking dawn. had lunch and dinner together. received a good news that a dear friend is engaged. seems like a good way to start the week. well i still feel the need to catch up some reading and take it more seriously. waiting for some announcements tom. :D gudnytie

i have so far checked majority

Signs that it’s time to end a relationship… You have a feeling of continuous frustration about the relationship (E.g., your emotional needs are not being met) You’re finding more reasons to spend time apart You’re being emotionally abused You no longer have strong feelings about your partner but reminisce about the feelings you used to have You’ve changed your core values, beliefs and goals to accommodate your partner in hopes that your relationship will no longer be problematic You’ve made drastic changes in your appearance hoping your partner will find you more attractive You have a growing feeling of emptiness You’ve put extreme distance or totally cut off former close relationships you used to have with your other friends and/or family