today i stumbled into several stuff that reminds me of you. i trembled seeing our smiles on a photo taken more than a year ago. reading your letters gave me a familiar feeling almost exactly the way i felt the first time i read it. but at the back of my mind, i was telling myself these were all lies. all were fantasies being dreamt by a teenage girl who was never hurt and never felt being left behind. i know for a fact i was crazy then. im not even sure if there were regrets. but whenever i refresh those sweet moments i had with you my heart felt coldness...longing for you and wondering will there still be a chance to have you close to me once more. madness, it is...that i am completely aware of. but through the years i have tried to push you away from my mind heart and my mind...the more i build barriers, the more i get trapped. all these time i was trying to convice myself that you were the best liar alive that i have encountered...but your lies were so good i wanted to ta...